
A mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta porto

Culture of Porto city (EN)

Although Porto has always been Portugal's second most important cultural centre, it as really taken off as a lively arts spot since it's European Capital of Culture status in 2001. Several good museums offer art, artifacts and more unsual offerings, such as old trams. Porto is also represented: you can visit the various shippers lodges, and the Museu do Vinho do Porto . Museu do Vinho do Porto Porto's architecture is another cultural attraction and one of the reasons why part of the city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is centred on the Ribeira district (the site also covers the Mosteiro da Serra do Pilar across the Douro river, and the area around Sé Cathedral), where architecture dates from the Middle Ages to 19th century neoclassical. Many fine churches in the centre of Porto city display various architectural styles including medieval. Renaissance and Baroque, and the are important neoclassical buildings such as Sao Bento railway station

Foz do Douro - Porto (EN)

On the 16th century, the old Foz, located on the western edge of the city, was a fishing and a rural settlement was translated into the military defense of the Douro Bar, hence the existence of the forts of  "Castelo do Queijo" and "São João da Foz". Castelo do Queijo The situation has changed since the mid 19th century, when elegant neighborhoods   built to follow the passion for sea bathing, which caused several British families to install themselves on that area. Coffee shops, hotels, gambling houses and the famous baths have given Foz a cosmopolitan environment, which came to life with the increasing affluence of holiday-makers. Nowadays the beach area has movement throughout the year, and it is animated by the bars, esplanades and restaurants. The maritime boardwalk, used by pedestrians or cyclists, it is a local privileged by natural beauty. Pérgola da Foz The "Pérgola da Foz", a romantic viewpoint, and the statue

Porto coffeehouses (EN)

The coffeehouses with history in Porto are real visiting cards of the city. Downtown, one can find a few which stand out by their cultural dimension, hosting the most diverse events, such as social gatherings, book presentations, exhibitions and recitals. One of the most famous is Majestic, at Rua de Santa Catarina street, not only due to te refined service, but also because of the architectonic beauty of the building. MAJESTIC Café GUARANY Café Café BRASILEIRA Café PROGRESSO João Pires The refinement, together with good taste, make this coffeehouse one of the most attended, mainly by tourists. Also with a history and detainer of a particular beauty is Guarany, at avenida dos Aliados. One should note, as well, the Brasileira, at Rua de Sa da Bandeira, with a magnificent iron and glass parasol and an interior in which stand out of the crystals, marbles, and the carved leather furniture. Another example is Café Progresso, not fa

Igreja e Torre dos Clérigos (Parte I)

A igreja da irmandade de São Pedro dos Clérigos, no Porto, organiza-se em três corpos justapostos - igreja, dependências da irmandade e torre sineira - tendo esta ultima tal impacto visual que se transformou no ex-libris da cidade. Torre da Igreja dos Clérigos O projecto foi desenhado por Nicolau Nasoni, que nasceu em Itália e trabalhou em Siena, onde terá adquirido a sua formação de base. À passagem por Roma, seguiu-se uma estadia em Malta, onde trabalhou para o Grão Mestre D António Manuel de Vilhena. Aí conheceu também Roque Távora e Noronha, irmão do deão da Sé do Porto, D. Jerónimo. Foi assim, concerteza, que acabou por ser convidado para se mudar para aquela cidade, onde já estava em 1725, a trabalhar na Sé, edifício onde deixou a sua marca. A primeira obra portuguesa que se lhe deve integralmente é a igreja vulgarmente conhecida como "dos clérigos", por ser pertença da irmandade com o mesmo nome, da qual já era presidente o já referido D Jerónimo T

Igreja e Torre dos Clérigos (Parte II)

Igreja e Torre dos Clérigos (Parte II) A construção da igreja colocava alguns problemas interessantes, a que Nasoni soube responder com soluções criativas e indubitavelmente eficazes. A dificuldade maior prendia-se com o formato o lote, longo mas estreito. Para tirar pleno partido desta situação, Nicolau Nasoni rejeitou a formula usada tradicionalmente em Portugal de colocar as torres na fachada e retirou-as antes para as traseiras, libertando assim espaço na frente da igreja (o projecto inicial incluía duas torres, solução depois substituída por uma só torre). Ao mesmo tempo a inclinação da rua, hoje dos clérigos confere uma grande verticalidade à fachada, efeito sublinhado pela rotação do seu eixo em relação à rua. Por fim, Nicolau Nasoni conferiu à torre enorme altura (75 metros) e decorou-a com grande variedade de formas atribuindo-lhe o protagonismo do conjunto. A conjugação de todos estes factores dá lugar a um incontornável efeito de monumentalidade. A origina

PortoCartoon laughing at the world

Begun in 1999, PortoCartoon quickly became a focal point for humorous design on a wolrd scale. Hundreds of cartoonists have participated in it every year, with cartoons that have exalted the universal language of the cartoon. Dealing with different themes, the cartoons demonstrate very well the reflexive strength of humour on the problems that most preocupy the world. War, pollution, hunger, consumerism, scarcity of water, abuse of power are some of the topics that the cartoonists pencils analyse with mordacity and artfulness. The affirmation of the cartoon as one of the most universal languages is clear. It is a very good expression of the world. Porto, 3rd august 2014 Joao Pires

Rusgas de São João do Porto

O que são as rusgas de S. João do Porto? As rusgas de S. João são um concurso que se realiza todos os anos na Av. dos Aliados, onde cada freguesia da cidade do Porto concorre com sua rusga.  Rusgas de São João do Porto As Rusgas de São João espalham-se de bairro em bairro, de freguesia em freguesia. A rusga é constituída por uma tocata e um número mínimo de 30 pessoas que vão trajadas a representar as rusgas de outros tempos. Existe um desfile e uma actuação de todas as rusgas para o público, que se realiza num clima de imensa festa e alegria popular. Este evento fecha as festas de S. João no Porto. Rusgas de São João do Porto Pode participar qualquer pessoa, não importa a idade, apenas é obrigatório a boa disposição e folia. Praça da Batalha, sábado à noite, 21 horas, aglomeração dos concorrentes das Rusgas de São João.  Rusgas de São João do Porto Há bombos, acordeão, há violas e encontrões. Cheira a cidreira, cheira bem,  cheira ao chão

O Gravador de Nomes em Vidro - uma tradição que vive

Vitor Domingues, há 46 anos que vem da Marinha Grande à cidade do Porto, por alturas do S. João, para fazer o que sabe melhor:  Gravar Nomes em Vidro Gravação de Nomes em Vidro Quem não se lembra da pequena recordação do copo de vidro com o nome e data gravada? Provavelmente esses nomes foram gravados ao longo dos últimos 46 anos na zona das Fontaínhas no Porto por alturas das festas do S. João. Este ano assentou a sua loja em plena Rotunda da Boavista, frente à Casa da Música e próximo da Roda Gigante. Gravação de Nomes em Vidro Diz Vítor " estou fora do meu habitat ", pois esteve sempre localizado na zona das Fontaínhas. O Gravador de Nomes em Vidro, grava também dedicatórias em vidro " aquilo que o povo gosta ", diz. O Gravador de Nomes em Vidro É um trabalho que fica para sempre , pois é gravado em vidro. O pai de Vítor Domingues esteve ligado ao vidro soprado, produzindo pequenos bonecos. Diz Vítor que

Trams in Porto - Portugal (EN)

Trams in Porto - Portugal The tram system of Porto, Portugal currently has three regular routes. by João Pires

Restaurante Casa Carioca - Porto - Campanhã

Faixa de preço 5 € - 20 € Cozinha Portuguesa Bom para: Cozinha local Comida:___ 90% Serviço:___ 85% Preço:_____ 90% Ambiente:__80% Restaurante Casa Carioca Pratos: Francesinha Tripas à Moda do Porto Cozido à Portuguesa Restaurante Casa Carioca Casa típica portuguesa. O serviço é rápido. Serve pratos típicos portugueses. Comida Portuguesa Restaurante simples quase tasca, bem decorado, com um atendimento afável e óptima comida! A Ementa não apresenta pratos muito elaborados, mas o sabor dos mesmos é muito bom! Restaurante Casa Carioca Rua Miraflor 211 4300-334 PORTO telef 224008518 por João Pires

Port Wine Cellars

In the historic center of Gaia, the Port Wine Cellars tell the story of the most famous Portuguese product. When we go through the left bank of the River Douro, where is the Cais de Gaia, is common across with a high influx of people, tourists and local visitors, who want to know the homes of the famous Portuguese heritage: Port. Port wine cellars This desire to know the famous "Porto" brings people from various part of the globe, pushing the wine cellars of Porto to organize guided tours where you can delve deep into the history of this nectar. Visits last about thirty minutes and are performed in groups according to the language of the tourist. During visits you can view a film about the caves, receive information about the history and production of Port wine, guidance as to the assignments that are assigned to different types of port (ruby, tawny, vintage, reserve, among other ) still being advised on the best way to store wine . Port wine cellar

What attracts tourists to the Best Destination in Europe 2014?

What attracts tourists to the best destination in europe? Porto was the first city to win the Best European Destination premium for the second time, repeating in 2014 the award obtained in 2012. Torre dos Clérigos When a tourist visits Porto, agreeableness highlights, your way of being, as they sing and behave. This year, several airlines have opened routes and flights from Porto . Porto closed the year 2013 with 14% of overnight stays compared to 2012. por João Pires

Mercado do Bom Sucesso - The New Porto (EN)

The northern city is renovating itself with spaces which convey the Porto tradition better and present the city with elements of modernity. Bom Sucesso As soon as we transpose the stylized arches of the former Bom Sucesso market we discover an ample and modernized space with a lot of natural light coming from the glazed surfaces. A series of kiosks, with a modern design, offer different types of degustation, from gourmet to the best regional products. Visitors sit at the tables made available having a taste at the multiple gastronomical influences. But, in a contiguous space, there is also the traditional old market with fruits and vegetables, beef and fish. It reopened in june last year and is one of the examples of the renewal, allied to the tradition, which is happening in Porto . Near Bom Sucesso: Casa da Música by Joao Pires

Casa da Música - Porto

The Casa da Música is one of the 15 concert halls more "spectacular" in the world. According to study with data about buildings and high public and economic value that includes the living Porto shows a short list. Casa da Música - Porto The modern concert halls no longer rely only on excellent performances: currently, also have notable architectural features, offering the audience a great show even before it arrives to their seats. Mindful of this reality and the fact that, increasingly, the concert halls are built to excel through their shapes, colors and attractive materials. by Joao Pires

Porto city - The second largest city in Portugal

Porto city The second largest city in Portugal has a very characteristic charm which involves the senses of all those visiting it, always procuring a wish to return.  Ponte D Luis I bridge - Porto It's historical center with a varied and rich architecture due to which it was classified as Mankind Cultural Heritage in 1996, Porto has to offer as magnificent urban landscape where historical heritage mingles with modern and cosmopolitan traits. by Joao Pires

Porto coffeehouses

The coffeehouses with history in Porto are real visiting cards of the city. Downtown, one can find a few which stand out by their cultural dimension, hosting the most diverse events, such as social gatherings. Majestic Café Beginning and ending on the facade inside the Café Majestic remains a beautiful setting for cultural events. This is the Belle Époque 'alive' at Majestic Café .

Ribeira - Porto

Ribeira is one of Porto's most ancient and attractive places, It is located next to River Douro and it is part of city's historical centre, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO . It is know that, since the 12th century, this area was expanded with the construction of houses and stairways, and the opening of streets and narrow lanes. The big development felt during the 14th century was translated into the increasing importance of maritime and commercial activity. inside Ribeira At the beginning of the 15th century, Ribeira used to get crowded with people connected to the river and the sea, it was a world of merchants and created bourgeois, its centre being in Praça da Ribeira. Nowadays it is much visited area by tourists, with several bars, esplanades, restaurants and handicraft shops. Restaurant at Ribeira - Porto The houses at Ribeira form a unique set, illustrated on the city's postcards and revived on the eyes of it's visitors.

Juventude - Menina Nua - (EN)

It is a statue of a naked young woman, nude, with her arms resting on the marble plinth and with head bent slightly and therefore called "Naked Girl". However, his real name is "Youth". Naked Girl - Youth - sculpture So, represents a naked woman sitting with arms resting on a plinth of the faces of which four shades shed water like a small pond. Naked Girl - Youth - sculpture Work of Henrique Moreira, this sculpture was held in 1929, lying on the Avenida dos Aliados - Porto. Naked Girl - Youth - sculpture by Joao Pires