Port Wine Cellars

In the historic center of Gaia, the Port Wine Cellars tell the story of the most famous Portuguese product.

When we go through the left bank of the River Douro, where is the Cais de Gaia, is common across with a high influx of people, tourists and local visitors, who want to know the homes of the famous Portuguese heritage: Port.

Port wine cellars photo by Joao Pires
Port wine cellars

This desire to know the famous "Porto" brings people from various part of the globe, pushing the wine cellars of Porto to organize guided tours where you can delve deep into the history of this nectar.

Visits last about thirty minutes and are performed in groups according to the language of the tourist.

During visits you can view a film about the caves, receive information about the history and production of Port wine, guidance as to the assignments that are assigned to different types of port (ruby, tawny, vintage, reserve, among other ) still being advised on the best way to store wine .

Port wine cellars photo by Joao Pires
Port wine cellars

The high demand for cellar tours is due to partnerships with travel agencies, national and international, as well as tour operators.

No less important is the recognition of Oporto as a great tourist spot, a fact which led him to win for the second time Best European Destination 2014. Among the tourists from cellar tours are Brazilian, Spanish, German, English and French.

by Joao Pires


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